To measure student achievement, we are focussing on academic success based on individual performance and a general learning outcomes assessment, and focussing on career success based on internship evaluations and employment rates.
Academic success
All our graduating students complete an outbound assessment at the end of their studies. The assessment does not influence the GPA or graduation requirements, and is administered online by Peregrine academic services. The reports show generally good scores, compared to several aggregate pools, with some teaching areas clearly showing consistently higher scores than all aggregate pools. The aggregate pools used are all ACBSP institutions, ACBSP institutions from their region 8, traditional campus-based institutions, private institutions, and institutions outside the US in Europe.
Based on the most recent 2013 - 2015 report, recurring higher scores show in the longitudinal analysis of undergraduate students during the past two periods in the areas of Business Ethics, Business Integration and Strategic Management, Global Dimensions of Business, Management: Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Quantitative Research Techniques and Statistics.
Based on the most recent 2013 - 2015 report, recurring higher scores show in the longitudinal analysis of graduate students during the past two periods in the areas of Global Dimensions of Business, and Management.
Detailed data and reports are available on-campus and upon appointment for interested students, alumni, faculty and other academic stakeholders.
Career success
While we continue measuring data of newly graduated students, we were able to report for the academic year 2015 - 2016, more than 94% of student internships were evaluated as positive by their internship mentors, the actual employers, and that more than 83% of our graduating students found a job within 6 months of graduation.
Take a look at where our alumni live, where they work and what they do at the UIBS LinkedIn Alumni page.